Other scientific contributions

Jansson T, Pérez Domínguez I and Weiss F (2010) Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture, Proceedings of the 119th EAAE Seminar Sustainability in the Food Sector: Rethinking the Relationship between the Agro-Food System and the Natural, Social, Economic and Institutional Environments’, Capri, Italy, June, 30th – July 2nd

Pérez Domínguez I and Britz W (2010) Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading in European agriculture: a comparison of different policy implementation options in year 2020, Proceedings of the Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium, June 27-29, Hohenheim

Gocht A, Pérez Domínguez and Cristoiu A (2010) Update of a quantitative tool for farm systems level analysis of agricultural policies, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 24321 EN, URL: ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/JRC53518.pdf

Tonini A and Pérez Domínguez I (2009) Review of Main Methodological Approaches Quantifying the Economic Effects of the European Milk Quota Scheme, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 24016 EN, URL: http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC53822.pdf

Müller M, Pérez Domínguez I and Gay S.H (2009) Construction of Social Accounting Matrices for EU27 with a Disaggregated Agricultural Sector (AgroSAMs), JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, EUR 24010 EN, URL: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=2679

Witzke P, Kempen M, Pérez Domínguez I, Jansson T, Sckokai P, Helming J, Heckelei T, Moro D, Tonini A and Fellmann T (2009) Regional Economic Analysis of the Abolition of the Milk Quota Regime in Europe, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 23961 EN, URL: http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC53116.pdf

Alba Sánchez J, Pérez Domínguez I, Torres Barrado J.M, Minghini L and Díaz Corchero M.A (2009) Grid-based solutions for computing large scale economic optimisation problems using virtualisation, poster presented at Ibergrid 2009, June 2009, Valencia

Tukker A, Bausch-Goldbohm S, Verheijden M, Koning A de, Kleijn R, Wolf O and Pérez Domínguez I (2009) Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes in the EU, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 23783 EN, URL: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=2359

Pérez Domínguez I (2009) El estado actual y el futuro de los biocombustibles en Europa. Biomasa de origen agrícola y agroindustrial, presentation at the XVII Foro Universitario Juan Luis Vives, February 2009, Valencia

Pérez Domínguez I (2009) EXPAMOD: Connecting the Farm and Market Models, paper presented at the AgSAP Conference, March 2009, Egmond aan Zee

Müller M and Pérez Domínguez I (2009) Comparison of econometric techniques for deriving consolidated databases: the AGROSAM case, poster presented at the AgSAP Conference, March 2009, Egmond aan Zee

Pérez Domínguez  I, Bezlepkina I, Heckelei T, Oude Lansink A, Romstad E and Kannellopoulos A (2008) EXPAMOD: A methodological Tool for Linking Farm and Market Models by Means of Econometric Response Functions, paper presented at the 12th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, URL: http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/43838/2/627.pdf, August 2008, Ghent

Müller M and Pérez Domínguez I (2008) Compilation of Social Accounting Matrices with a Detailed Representation of the Agricultural Sector (AgroSAM), paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 12-14 2008, Helsinki, Finland

Pérez Domínguez I and M’Barek R (2008) Domestic Production/Use and Imports of Biofuel Feedstocks in the EU: Current Situation and Future Perspectives, presentation at the Workshop ‘GM crops for biofuels production in the EU’, May 2008, Seville

Witzke P, Banse M, Gömann H, Heckelei T, Breuer T, Mann S, Kempen M, Adenäuer M, Zintl A, Pérez Domínguez I and Müller M (2008) Modelling of Energy-Crops in Agricultural Sector Models – A Review of Existing Methodologies, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 23355 EN, URL: http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=1567

Pérez Domínguez I (2008) EXPAMOD – A Tool for Linking Farm Level and Market Level Models, presented at the SENSOR Conference,  April 2008, Berlin

Pérez Domínguez I (2008) Modelos de agricultura europea para política agraria y empleo de programación positiva, presented at the FuturPAC Seminar, February, Córdoba

Müller M and Pérez Domínguez I (2008) From Partial Equilibrium to General Equilibrium Models: Linking of Databases by Means of Entropy Techniques, poster presented at the 107th EAAE Seminar, January 29 – February 1, Seville

Witzke P and Pérez Dominguez (2008) Review of Existing Methodologies related to the Representation of Biofuels and Biomass Production in Economic Models, poster presented at the 107th EAAE Seminar, January 29 – February 1, Seville

Pérez Domínguez  I, Britz W and Holm-Müller K (2007) Modelling a Trading Scheme for Green House Gas Emissions from European Agriculture. A Comparative Analysis based on different Policy Options, EcoMod International Conference on Energy and Environmental Modelling ECOMOD Conference, Moscow (Russia), 13-14 September

Bezlepkina I, Pérez Domínguez  I, Heckelei T, Oude Lansink A, Romstad E (2007) Linking farm and market models by means of response functions, Farming Systems Design conference, Catania (Italy), 10-12 September

Janssen S, Bezlepkina I, Pérez Domínguez  I, Athanasiadis I and Oude Lansink A.(2006) ‘Translating Disciplinary Knowledge: Model Coupling through Knowledge Bases’, 9th PREBEM Conference on Business Economics, Management and Organization Science, October 5th 2006, Amersfoort (Netherlands)

Wieck C, Pérez Domínguez  I and Junker F (2006) Combining Global Trade Analysis with Regional Impact Assessment: Effects of Trade Liberalisation under the recent CAP Reform, WSU Technical Working Papers, TWP-06-116

Junker F, Britz W, Heckelei T, Pérez Domínguez  I and Wieck C. (2005) How sustainable is the latest CAP Reform under the possible Trade Liberalisation Outcomes of the Doha Round?, Paper presented at the at the IATRC summer meeting 2005, Sevilla, June 16/17: ‘Pressures for Agricultural Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations’

Pérez Domínguez  I and Holm-Müller K (2005) Economic Incentives and Technological Options to Global Warming Emission Abatement in European Agriculture, Proceedings of the 89th European Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), pp.413-425 ISBN 88-7847-051-1

Pérez Domínguez  I, Britz W and Holm-Müller K. (2004) The Use of Tradable Permits in the European Agriculture as a feasible and cost-effective Mitigation Strategy, Poster presented at the International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture – Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig (Germany), February 10-12, Conference Proceedings pp. 335-336

Perez Domínguez I and Britz W (2004) Reduction of Global Warming Emissions in the European Agriculture through a Tradable Permit System. An Analysis with the Regional Agricultural Model CAPRI, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 39, pp. 231-239

Wieck C, Pérez Domínguez  I, Jansson T and Britz W (2004) Auswirkungen der MTR-Beschlüsse auf die Landnutzung in den europäischen Regionen und Betrieben – Eine quantitative Analyse mit CAPRI Modellsystem, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Bd. 39, pp. 87-96

Junker F, Wieck C, Pérez Domínguez  I and Jansson T (2003) Policy Description in the CAPRI Model, Working Paper 03-03, CAP-STRAT Project , Institute for Agricultural Policy, Bonn (Germany)

Pérez Domínguez  I and Britz W (2003) Regional Nitrate Balances for Europe at a Medium Term Perspective under different CAP policy options, Final report for the Umweltbundesamt

Pérez Domínguez  I, Wieck C and Britz W (2003): New challenges for the European Agriculture: modelling agricultural reform under the new WTO proposals, Paper presented at the Conference ‘Agricultural policy reform and the WTO: where are we heading?’, Capri (Italy), June 23-26

Wieck C, Pérez Domínguez  I and Britz W (2003): New challenges for the European Agriculture: modelling agricultural reform under the new WTO proposals, Paper presented for the 2003 ECOMOD Conference, Istambul (Turkey), July 3-5

Pérez Domínguez  I, Wieck C and Britz W (2003): Modelling of passive environmental indicators for the European Agriculture: the role of marginal abatement costs, 12th Annual Conference of the EAERE, Bilbao (Spain), June 28-30

Britz W and Pérez Domínguez  I (2003): Development of models and tools for assessing the environmental impact of agricultural policies, Research Report of the European Commission, Directorate-General for the Environment

Wieck C, Pérez Domínguez  I and BritzW (2003): Expectativas a Medio Plazo del Mercado Lácteo Europeo tras las Propuestas de Agenda 2000 y Revisión Intermedia – Un Análisis cuantitativo y regional del Sector Lácteo Español con el Modelo CAPRI, Paper presented at the AEEA Seminar, 13-14 March 2003

Britz W, Pérez Domínguez  I and Wieck C (2003): Mid-Term Review Proposal Impact Analysis with the CAPRI Modelling System, In: Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy. July 2002 Proposals Impact Analyses, European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture ed., pp. 111-140, Brussels

Pérez Domínguez  I and Holm-Müller K (2002): Möglichkeiten für den Einsatz von handelbaren Zertifikaten zur Verringerung der Treibhausgase aus dem Agrarsektor, Paper presented at the Conference ‘Bedeutung der Wechselwirkung Biosphäre-Atmosphäre für die nachhaltige Nutzung der Biosphäre und den Klimaschutz’, Bonn (Germany), September 16-17, Bundesministerum für Bildung und Forschung, Conference Proceedings pp. 217-224

Pérez Domínguez  I  (2002): A social value for regional agri-environmental policy: The afforestation program in Navarra. Methodological aspects of a contingent valuation analysis, Poster presented at the 10th EAAE Congress, Zaragoza (Spain), August 28-31, 2002